Former CIA Officer warns…

“Next 9/11” is IMMINENT and could
kill 300 MILLION patriots

"[This attack] could cause... death rivaling the death toll of a nuclear weapon" Dr. Jeremy Straub, Institute for Cyber Security

Picture this.

It’s 8am on September 11th, 2001…

46 minutes before the first plane hits the Twin Towers.

You’re about to enter the North Tower for a day’s work…

Suddenly a CIA operative blocks your path and gives you an urgent warning…

He tells you if you enter that building today…

…you won’t see tomorrow.

Would you still walk into that building?

The sad truth is…

It’s too late for the folks that tragically died on 9/11.

That day, freedom-hating terrorists murdered 3,000 Americans in cold blood …


There’s still time for YOU to protect yourself and your family from the “Next9/11”

…but you may have just days to prepare.

My name is Jason Hanson, I’m a former CIA officer…

And through my connections…

I believe there is strong evidence that proves…

Iranian terrorists will launch the “Next 9/11” any day now

I’ll share that jaw-dropping evidence with you in just a second.

But first you need to understand:

This next attack will make 3,000 deaths seem like rookie numbers.


Iran’s upcoming attack on America could kill 100,000 times more patriots than 9/11.

And while this seems like fear mongering...

It was confirmed during a recent hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs.

James Woolsey – former director of the CIA – gave this urgent alert:

And he’s not the only one warning how devastating this will be to families like yours and mine.

One top geopolitical strategist went on record and said:

And Dr. Jeremy Shraub from the Institute Of Cyber Security just gave the following chilling warning:

And the worst part is…

This attack has nothing to do with a nuclear weapon…

In fact, it doesn’t require any weapon at all.

And the terrorists behind this attack don’t even need to set foot on American soil.

It sounds crazy, I know.

But unlike the 9/11 attackers…

These terrorists don’t need passports…

They don’t need to die for their cause…

They don’t even need to leave the comfort of their homes.

All they need…

Is this 5-inch device.

This is an Artificial Intelligence computer chip…

This AI chip is 1,000 times faster than a normal computer chip…

And it’s the missing puzzle piece that Iran has been waiting for…

Because it means they can finally launch an attack on the USA that’s years in the making.

You see, Iran has been quietly stocking up on these chips…

Readying their attack.

According to the CFO of NVIDIA – USA’s largest AI chip manufacturer – Iran is among their top export destinations, contributing to 25% of the company’s revenue.

So it’s no wonder security experts are blowing the whistle…

Some of the USA's most trusted security advisors just alerted government officials at a briefing in the House Of Representatives…

The name of the briefing?

“An unprecedented threat to U.S. national security”

These people aren’t prone to overstatement…

So when they call a threat “unprecedented” – it’s time to take notice.

See, the problem is…

Our nation’s entire infrastructure is hooked up to the internet…

And it’s a huge, throbbing Achilles heel in our defenses.

Terrorists no longer need to know how to hijack a plane…

All they need to know is how to hack a computer.

And the kind of hack they can carry out with AI on their side…

Will be more deadly than any attack the USA has ever seen.

That’s why the FBI has already put Iran’s cyber attackers on its most wanted list…

And has offered up to $10 million for information on them…

One cyber security expert put it like this:

And thanks to Iran’s new AI capabilities…

Their terrorists now have the hacking ability to carry out an attack that could paralyze the USA…

And kill over millions of patriots…

And all it takes is a single click of a computer mouse.

Listen, this isn’t just speculation.

Officials are warning that Iran has laid all the groundwork to carry out these attacks.

And according to top cyber-security firm, Dragos…

Terrorists may already have their talons in our defenses…

Which means they could launch their attack at any moment.

Dragos founder Rob Lee is a former NSA critical infrastructure threat intelligence analyst…

And his team has tracked hacking activity on US infrastructure by Iran…

Leading him to warn:

"My concern with the Iran situation is not that we're going to see some new big operation spin up… My concern is with access that groups might already have. "

I’m going to share the terrifying proof right now…

That shows these hackers have ALREADY infiltrated some of the most secure computer systems in the USA…

And that their new AI capabilities could give them the power to crush America with a single blow.

See, computer systems operate our most critical infrastructure…

Including the most important of all:

Our power grid.

Meaning, any minute….

These crazed jihadists could lay waste to our entire electric grid…

And there’s almost nothing we can do to stop them.

I know that sounds beyond the capabilities of a hacker…

But with the power of AI, we’re talking about a new breed of hacker, unlike anything we’ve seen before.

In fact, in just a second, I’m going to share the results of a secret government test.

The Department Of Homeland Security carried it out in private…

And it proves that this kind of AI-powered attack could completely destroy our grid.

Yes, DESTROY it.

See, the thing is, when these terrorists target our grid…

We’re not talking about an outage lasting a couple hours.

According to a leaked document from the The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)...

An attack like this could wipe out our grid for more than 18 months.

Can you imagine that long without power?

The safety we take for granted right now will be gone completely.

People will be dying from things that don’t even seem a threat currently.

Just think of all the things that require electricity to function.

Without heating, people will freeze to death in cold spells …

Without AC, people will BOIL to death in heatwaves…

Without home security systems, people will be at the mercy of violent criminals.

Not to mention the fact our food supply chain is going to be completely destroyed…

Leaving shelves bare.

And within weeks…

Our society will break down entirely.

Everywhere you look, there will be looting, rioting, and mass starvation.

Most Americans will start turning on each other, desperate for food.

America is going to look like a Biblical apocalypse.

Which is why…

As a proud American, I’m doing everything I can to prepare patriots for this attack, and I’m going to show you what I’m doing to protect my wife and 7 kids.

Because, as I’ll show you in the next 5 minutes…

It’s already too late to stop this attack from happening.

That’s why I’ve released this urgent warning…

So, you and your loved ones can weather this coming storm, and come out stronger than before.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal…

***An intelligence operative secret to give you unlimited power during this impending blackout which – according to top experts – could last 18 months or more.

***A strange WW2 technique that grows an endless amount of food ultra-fast… Even if you’ve never picked up a shovel.

***One thing you must do right now to secure your home from violent criminals. And I suggest you pay close attention.

Because when this hits…

You’re the only person who’s going to be able to protect your family.

Needless to say, bumbling Biden is doing NOTHING to protect us…

In fact…

I’m going to show you the sickening proof that Biden has actually FUNDED this attack.

It’s insane.

The FBI has already blown the whistle about this disaster.

One expert even gave the following warning about this upcoming attack:

Yet Biden is leading 300 million Americans straight to the slaughter…

That’s why I’m sharing this warning with you right now…

Before it’s too late.

So, pay close attention.

This attack could hit any day now…

And I have no idea how long this report will stay online.

Because the exact same hackers planning this attack could tear this website from the internet at any moment…

Since the last thing they want is for you to be prepared.

As I mentioned before, my name is Jason Hanson…

I’m a former CIA Officer and here’s one of the awards I received from the Agency…

Now, I’m a private security consultant to some of the top firms around the world.

I’m also a New York Times bestselling author…

And the owner of the 320-acre Spy Ranch —

One of Utah's leading facilities in military-grade defense, security, escape and evasion…

Where folks pay up to $25,000 just to spend a day learning my secrets.

Why are top firms and private individuals willing to invest so much?

Because I’ve been incredibly blessed to have seen and done things that would take the average man 5 lifetimes to experience.

If you recognize me, you might have seen me on Fox News, the NBC Today Show or Good Morning America…

These shows all invited me to share my survival secrets with the nation…

And I’m honored they asked me to help everyday patriots prepare for disaster.

But the warning I’m about to share with you is something you’ll never hear in the mainstream media…

They know it would drum up too much panic.

That’s why I want to get one thing straight…

I’m not here to panic you… I’m here to prepare you.

I’m going to share some intelligence operative survival secrets most folks never get to hear…

Because this AI-powered cyber-attack could destroy our grid any moment…

And if you know these secrets…

Your family will be among the few patriots who make it out the other side.

Look, I know you might be thinking that the worst a hacker can do is steal your Netflix login details…


Thanks to new AI technology…

A hack can have catastrophic results.


The Department Of Homeland Security recently carried out a terrifying experiment…

Which revealed we’re POWERLESSagainst an AI-based cyber-
attack on our grid.

It was called the “Aurora” experiment and it was designated “For Official Use Only”

That’s why most Americans will never hear about it.

But I’ve managed to get hold of all the details.

And it’s chilling…

Because it proves hackers could destroy our grid in just 3 minutes.

In the experiment, security experts took a $1 million maritime diesel-electric generator…

One of the sturdiest, most-reliable machines on the market…

Then they carried out a controlled hack on the machine.

Here’s the important part:

They didn’t even have to be in the same room as the machine.

Just by hacking the machine...

They were able to change the operating cycle, and send the generator out of control.

To understand how it works…

It’s kind of like if you’re driving your car at 90 mph down the highway…

Then you suddenly shift it into reverse.

It would cause total destruction, right?

Well, that’s exactly what they did to the generator during the experiment.

They used computer commands to make the generator run on full blast…

Then they changed its direction…

And the extreme vibrations TORE THE GENERATOR APART.

It was billowing black smoke, with parts shearing off and flying up to 80 feet.


They didn’t even have to touch the machinery…

Just by hacking the generator they caused it to
SELF-DESTRUCT in 3 minutes flat

And now, thanks to their AI-based hacking software…

These Iranian terrorists could do the exact same thing from the other side of the globe.

NOBODY will see it coming…

There will be no time to stop their attack…

And they could take our entire grid down in mere minutes.

See, the thing is, our whole grid is reliant on these generators.

And our grid is interconnected, like a row of dominos…

So, destroying just a handful of generators could plunge the whole nation into darkness for months at a time.

It’s all in a leaked report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission…

The data in the report was so sensitive…

That Mary Landrieu – Chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources – called for a thorough investigation into the leak…

She wrote:

“Recent reports… about grid security were shocking in their detail and appear to have been based upon highly sensitive, narrowly distributed FERC documents”

Why is this leak such a big deal?

Because it revealed just how easily these terrorists could crash our entire grid now they have access to AI.

In America we have more than 55,000 substations…

You know, those clunky electrical units you have seen while driving…

And according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission report…

These terrorists would only have to take out 9 substations to disable our entire grid for 18 months or more.

And those aren’t my words… That comes directly from the FERC.

Of course, targeting 9 interconnected substations at the same time used to be basically impossible…

But that was before hackers got access to AI chips.

Don’t forget, these chips are 1,000 times faster than normal computer chips…

Which means, in the wrong hands they can cause total chaos.

It’s why The Department of Homeland Security has warned about attackers targeting our critical infrastructure with AI…

And it looks like the FBI knows exactly how this attack is going to pan out.

See, the FBI has warned that hackers are using AI to create vicious malware…

That’s like a computer virus that lays in wait, undetected in a system…

Until the attacker decides to strike.

And I’ll soon share the shocking proof…

That attackers have already infected our grid with this AI-based malware…

Which means, at any second….

They can launch an attack so coordinated…

It will hit the most critical substations in the USA at exactly the same time…

Bringing down our entire grid for 18 months or more.

Can you imagine what it will look like when this strike hits?

Don’t forget, this will come from nowhere, and there will be no warning signs.

You’ll be eating dinner with your family…

When all of a sudden…


You’re plunged into darkness…

You’ll hear alarms wailing in the distance…

You’ll check your phone but there’s no signal.

See, with no power, all the cell towers will go down.

Meaning there’s no internet…

No cell phones…

No way to contact loved ones.

Within hours, water treatment plants will stop working…

You’ll turn your tap on, and filthy sewage will flow out.

Pretty soon, your refrigerator will thaw…

And you’ll have to decide whether to feed your family rotting food…

Or toss away leftovers that could prevent your family from starving.

Within 96 hours, hospital backup batteries will fail…

So, life-saving machinery will stop working…

And within days…

The looting and rioting will start.

Supermarket shelves will soon be empty…

Pharmacies will be ransacked…

And desperate Americans will start turning on each other to get hold of basic supplies

We’ve already seen these kinds of scenarios play out during short scale outages…

Recent outages in Texas left Walmart stores completely bare…

Stores were left without a single item in the cooler section.

And even this short scale outage had DEADLY consequences.

See, because people had no power for their heating…

Desperate men, women and children literally FROZE TO DEATH…

And Texas outages lasted for just 3 days…

So, can you imagine what a 180 day blackout will look like?

I’m not exaggerating when I say…

Within months, MILLIONS of Americans could die.

And this terrorist attack won’t cause instant death like 9/11…

This will be a long, drawn-out, demeaning death.

Some folks will be raiding garbage cans to find scraps for their kids to eat…

Some will be dying of hypothermia in their own homes because they have no heating…

While others will literally boil in their own skin without AC.

The long and short of it is…

Americans could suffer for weeks on end before they finally draw their last breaths.

And listen, this isn’t just me speculating…

The former director of the CIA warned that this kind of extended outage could kill 90% of Americans from starvation, disease, and societal collapse

And while all this is going on…

While millions of American men, women and children are meeting early graves…

While everyone you know and love could be dying a slow, painful, humiliating death …

The jihadists will just look on, rubbing their hands with glee.

Because they’ve finally achieved their ultimate goal:

“Death To America”

That’s why, in a moment, I’m going to reveal:

***How to power your entire home, even when our grid is destroyed.

***Which food supplies I’ve already stocked up on to make sure my family doesn’t starve in the aftermath of this attack.

***A military water purification secret that I’m using to protect my family when the taps start pumping out poison.

Because, like I said before…

All this “Next 9/11” takes is a click of a mouse…

And Iran could do it at any moment

Yes, literally any moment.

See, security researcher Brian Wallace recently blew the whistle that this attack is already underway...

The researcher is from Cylance Inc – an $189 Million cyber-security firm, ranked one of the top in the world by Forbes…

And he’s discovered data logs that reveal something shocking…

Iranian cyber-attackers have ALREADY opened a pathway into the networks running the US power grid…

By accessing files like the one below…

According to the data logs from Cylance Inc…

This is just one folder that hackers in Tehran – Iran’s capital – gained access to.

This folder contains dozens of engineers' diagrams of power plants.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

The Iranian hackers stole 19,000 files in total.

They’ve already taken passwords…

As well as engineering drawings labeled “Mission Critical”

Experts say the drawings are so detailed…

Skilled attackers could use them to knock out the electricity flowing to millions of homes.

But the thing is…

The attackers don’t even need to be skilled any more…

Now they have AI-based malware to do all the work for them.

Remember, malware is like a virus that lays in wait…

And these attackers can activate it at any time to make our generators self-destruct…

Which will make our entire grid fall like a row of dominos, almost instantly.

And according to the latest intelligence…

Iran’s malware has already been found in the computers operating our grid.,

And because AI-based malware is virtually undetectable…

…the cases that have been detected are just the tip of the iceberg.

Put simply…

It’s possible that Iran has infected every one of our grid’s critical computers with AI-based malware.

Which means…

Iranian terrorists have everything in place to carry out these attacks whenever they feel like it…

They’re just waiting for the ideal moment.

And the FBI thinks that moment is IMMINENT.

Christopher Wray – head of the FBI – just gave the following warning:

“The ongoing war in the middle east has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole ‘nother level…

…across the country, in each and every one of the FBI’s 56 field offices, we’re addressing these threats with a sense of urgency.”

That’s right…

The FBI is convinced this is right on our doorstep…

And I’ve got hold of some intel that shows exactly why.

You see, Iran wants the US out of the picture…

They want to crush the West and become one of the most powerful nations in the world.

It’s all part of Iran’s plan for a New World Order – with Iran, China and Russia at the helm…

And listen, I’m not talking about any crazy conspiracy stuff here…

This isn’t just a theory.

Iran’s “supreme leader” – Ali Khamenei – recently spelled this out plain as day.

He just gave away all his plans for this New World Order in a speech to thousands of his supporters…

The blood-thirsty crowd chanted “Death To America” as he shared all the sickening details

Pay close attention to the first thing he plans to do to establish this New World Order…

The Iranian leader said, and I quote:

That’s right.

He wants to “isolate” the USA.

Can you think of a better way of isolating us than destroying our grid, killing 300 MILLION Americans in the process?

Because I sure can’t.

And because they’ve already got access to our systems…

There’s almost nothing we can do to stop this.

And you won’t be surprised to hear…

The reason Iran is about to launch this attack is all down to Biden.

See, for Trump's entire term, he managed to rule Iran with an iron fist.

He put HUGE sanctions on the country…

Which meant they couldn’t fund their terrorist activities.

And Trump showed them he meant business.

When he found out Iran’s top general was planning “imminent and sinister attacks” on Americans…

Trump went ahead and ordered a precision strike to “terminate” the commander.

And guess what?

They didn’t mess with us again after that.

But that’s all changed since Biden became president.

He’s removed Trump’s sanctions on Iran...

Which means Biden’s handed Iran more than $10 BILLION dollars on a silver platter…

So, I’m not joking when I say…

Biden is literally FUNDING this attack

And we may have just days to prepare.

The situation in the Middle East has just given Iran the perfect opportunity to launch this strike.

See, they’ve already come out in support of Hamas…

Iran’s leader even said Israel is a “cancerous tumor” that needs to be destroyed.

And Iran just sent a threat to the USA for our involvement…

Here’s what Iran’s minister of defense just said:

And as far as I’m concerned…

This is smoking-gun proof that Iran will launch this cyber-attack on the USA at any moment…

Leading us into a blackout that could last over 18 months and killing millions of Americans.

That’s why I want to share an intelligence operative secret with you right now.

This secret will give you virtually unlimited power, even when the grid is destroyed.

Meaning your family will be one of the few who makes it out alive.

This is the reason I want to urgently share an energy system that operatives use to create power in the most remote locations in the world.

It doesn’t rely on solar, hydro, wind power, or any local grid.

It’s like a personal power grid.

So, you can take it anywhere you need to escape to…

And it will give you a virtually unlimited supply of power during this upcoming crisis.


While 300 million American men, women and children are fighting for their lives…

You’ll have enough power to protect ALL your loved ones and neighbors.

I’ve taken all the blueprints for the device…

And I’ve put them into an easy-to-follow program.

In fact, it’s so easy to follow, even a ten-year-old kid could knock this power supply together in a lunch break.

I’ve put all the blueprints into an easy-to-follow program called…

Pocket Power Grid: The Intelligence Operative Secret For Virtually Unlimited Electricity In A Crisis

In the program you’ll discover how to put together this power system step-by-step…

It’s laid out so simply, you’ll be able to make it very quickly.

Even if you’re so bad at DIY that you struggle to change a lightbulb!

When this attack on America hits…

You won't have to worry for a second about being without power.

It’ll power your lights – so you’re the only home for miles around that isn’t in the dark…

It’ll even power all your electronics – so you can use a radio or TV to get updates on the crisis…

It’ll power medical equipment… And the list goes on…

So, I’m sure you can see that this power source could be literally life-saving when this crisis hits.

But I’m not just going to show you how to make this life-saving “Pocket Power Grid”

In the program you’ll also discover:

***How a roll of Blue 3M Painters Tape could save a loved one’s life in a crisis

***A weird “memory hack” to ensure every family member recalls every single element of your crisis plan… Even if they aren’t on board with prepping

***Why the safest place to “Bug Out” to in a crisis could be your local fancy country club

Are you starting to see why this is essential knowledge when Iran takes out our power grid?

Can you imagine the peace of mind knowing your family is protected from this attack?

Look, your neighbors might wonder what you’re up to and maybe they’ll even call you a “crazy prepper”…

Let them…

They’ll be the first ones knocking on your door when they see that your house is the only one for miles around with the lights on.

And they’ll be begging for your help…

Because you’re going to have all kinds of life-saving knowledge from going through your “Pocket Power Grid” program.

For example, you’ll discover…

***A power source which most people discard in an emergency (Here’s how to turn “highway trash” into FREE power)

***Want to rely on your TV for emergency updates? You’ll need THIS essential accessory

***Why you should avoid this common crisis power “solution” (Hint: It could permanently blind you or a family member)

And much, much more.

Remember, everything in the program is so simple, a 5th grader could do it with ease…

In fact, if you’ve got kids and grandkids…

I recommend you teach them this too.

You never know when they might need it.

Because, like I said, this attack from Iran could hit at literally any second.

Cyber security experts tell us Iran already has a hold on our grid…

They already have passwords and confidential plans…

So, it’s just a matter of them pulling the trigger…

Which they’ve threatened to do any day now.

And when that happens, we’ll be plunged into a blackout that could last 18 months or longer…

Which could kill upwards of 300 MILLION Americans…

And I don’t want your family to become casualties.

That’s why I want to give you access to the “Pocket Power Grid” today.

So, you have power, even when the grid is completely destroyed.

Now, I want to make one thing clear…

Right here is the ONLY place you can get hold of “Pocket Power Grid.”

You can’t pick it up from Amazon or any other website…

It’s because the program contains intelligence operative secrets.

And by providing this directly to you, it means I don’t have to censor a single sentence.

But, keep in mind…

Biden’s cronies probably don’t want these secrets in the hands of everyday patriots…

And the terrorists planning this attack most certainly don’t want you to be prepared…

So, this website could be removed at any moment.

I mean, if these hackers can tear down our entire power grid…

They aren’t going to have a problem tearing down a single website.

That’s why it’s important that you get hold of this program right now, before it’s gone forever.

That way, you can join the 18,637 patriots who are already prepared for this attack.

Like Johnnie B, who went through the program and built his “Pocket Power Grid” then sent this message:

Thank You... My System Functioned Flawlessly!

"I just wanted to thank you for your expertise. I am currently in day 3 without power due to an F3 tornado. Fortunately, my home sustained little damage. My system has functioned flawlessly and your advice has insured my family can stay in our home while others have taken flight to local motels. I just thought I was prepared, then I followed your advice and now I really am prepared." - Johnnie B.

And Scott F. put his system to the test, and wrote to say:

We Lost Power, But My Wife Said “I'm Not Worried At All.” That Made My Day!

“The power at my house went out last night just after midnight and it took me just a few short minutes to have my led bulb equipped, lamp hooked up to my system, weather radio playing and cell phones charging! Power was only out for a few hours, but I was ready and got to practice my preps! What was really cool was my wife saying ‘You know, I'm not worried at all. If it gets cold, we've got the kerosene heater. If we need power, I know you've got the system that'll last a long time.’ That made my day.”
- Scott F.

And Kathy H had this to say:

Older Woman With No Experience Confidently Builds Her Own System!

“I am an older woman with absolutely no experience. You have given me the confidence to purchase the items, and shortly have my system I build up and running. I trust the information, as well as what items to purchase to have a great system."
- Kathy H.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

There are many more messages just like these from people from all walks of life who now have their own systems.

And I want to make it easy for you to join them today…

So, you can protect your family from this upcoming disaster.

Now, some people are going out and buying generators to prepare for this imminent attack…

Which is certainly a good step to take.


According to Forbes, the average cost of a generator is $9,000…

So, let me ask you…

Would it be worth $9,000 to protect your family?

In my eyes, there’s only one answer to that question.

Of course, it would.

I’d give my last dollar to protect my family…

I mean, you can’t put a price on your family’s safety.

But when you grab “Pocket Power Grid” today, you won’t invest anywhere near $9,000…

You won’t invest $4,500…

In fact, this isn’t even going to set you back $100.

I’m going to show you how you can get hold of this program for less than a meal for two at a run-down roadside diner

You see, it’s my mission to get this program into the hands of every single patriot…

Before this disaster destroys America’s grid…

And possibly kills millions of citizens in the process.

That’s why, as long as I can cover the costs of keeping this website online…
I’ll be happy.

Because it means I can keep sharing this life-saving information with patriots.

That way the terrorists can’t win.

And because I want to help as many patriots as possible…

I’m giving you permission to go ahead and share this program with anybody you like.

You’re going to receive a printable copy…

Print it out for all your loved ones and neighbors…

Or email them the digital copy.

Like I said, I want as many patriots as possible to be prepared…

So, I urge you to share this information with everyone you can.


“Pocket Power Grid” is going to make sure that you have the power you need to protect your family…

But you’re going to need more than power to make it out the other end of this…

So – because I want to make sure your family survives and thrives following this disaster…

I’m going to throw in a few extra bonuses.

BONUS #1 – Soldier Saver Garden: The WW2 System To Grow Food On Demand

When our grid goes down…

Our food supply will soon follow.


Well, with no power, fuel pumps at gas stations will stop working…

Road signs, traffic lights and train systems will go dead…

Meaning, transport networks will grind to a halt…

And trucks won’t be able to reach your local store.

And it gets worse…

Huge computer networks will be crippled…

So, companies won’t be able to coordinate where produce needs to be…

Plus, stores won’t have any refrigeration to preserve food.

For the first few days, factories will be full of rotting produce…

But within weeks…

There won’t be ANY food to preserve.

See, nowadays farms rely on all kinds of machinery…

Machinery that simply doesn’t work without a power supply.

And a recent study published in Annals of Operations Research showed just how bad it could get.

The study warned that a prolonged blackout “can be fatal for production, logistics, and retail operations”

Yes, fatal…

And it could be fatal for your family too.

Of course, I don’t want to see you and your family fighting for scraps.

That’s why I want to share this bonus with you…

It’s a special food growing system called the “Soldier Saver Garden.”

And it will allow you to produce more food than your family could possibly get through…

Even if you’ve never put on a pair of gardening gloves.

This system was actually used by American soldiers after WW2.

They were literally starving to death due to food shortages…

So, they had to create a way to produce food ultra-fast…

And they had to make it so simple that even worn-out, tired soldiers could easily do it.

When they first tested it out…

Just one “Soldier Saver Garden” produced 4,732 pounds of food in a single month…

And the amazing thing is…

They did this without any soil.

What’s more, this system works without power… In any climate… and in every single season.

That’s why NASA astronauts use the same system to grow food in space.

And there’s another thing that makes this system perfect for a crisis:

It’s completely looter proof.

As I’m sure you can imagine, having a garden full of produce could turn you into a huge target for looters.

But when you use this system…

Looters will have no idea you’re growing an abundance of food.

And, I’m giving you the exact, step-by-step instructions…

So, you can set up this system in less than 2 hours…

And then leave it to grow food on autopilot.

Plus, you’ll get all the simple tips and tricks to make this the tastiest food that’s ever hit your family’s dinner table.

In the program you’ll discover:

***Why buying seeds is entirely optional.

***Think fruits aren’t filling? Think again. When you eat this dark green fruit, you’ll be full for hours.

***Say these “magic words” at your local hardware store and they’ll build 90% of this growing system for you.

***Worried your little ones will get bored of veggies? Add a little of THIS to any salad and they’ll ask for seconds every time.

So, you’ve now got your food and power covered when this strike hits…

But I want to make sure you’re completely prepared for every scenario you might encounter…

Which is why I’m going to invite you into my home to see the full preparedness stash I have for me, my wife and 7 kids…

BONUS #2 – Intelligence Operative Survival: Inside Jason Hanson’s Private Preparedness Vault

My address is unlisted…

I bought my home through a corporation, so my name isn’t on the records....

I have close friends who still don’t know where I live…

But I’m inviting YOU inside my home to see my survival stash.

That’s right.

In this 66-minute video (the first and only time I have let someone inside my house to film), I show you my entire survival set up.

See, I’ve spent over 20 years of my life…

And more than $500,000 of my own cash…

…testing survival gear, food, and water storage.

And since you may have just days to prepare for this upcoming disaster…

I want to give you a shortcut.

That way you can skip all the steps and the months of research…

And know straight away which items are essential for your family’s safety.

I hold nothing back in this video…

In it, you’ll discover:

***An Israeli Special Forces technique that makes ANY water you find potable.

***The “4 Tiers” of food storage. (If you don’t have all 4 Tiers, your family won’t have food during a long-term crisis. It’s that simple.)

***A US Military-grade water-filter method for if you’re on the move with limited access to your water storage.

***How to do the “Torch and Tear Test” to make sure you didn’t get scammed on low-quality survival food pouches. (This happens more than you know.)

***The exact equipment I keep in bug out bags for myself, my wife, and my children.

I suggest you pay extra-close attention to the water purification secrets I share…

As I mentioned before, your water supply will turn to poison within hours of this attack on our grid…

And I’m sure you’re aware we can only survive about 3 days without water…

Meaning the water storage and purification secrets alone could be life-saving for you or a family member.

So, by now…

You’ve got all the info you need to keep your family fed and hydratred, and give them an endless supply of electricity.

But remember, we’re talking about the entire breakdown of society in the aftermath of this attack…

That’s why I’m throwing in another couple of priceless bonuses…

BONUS #3 – Impenetrable Home Defense: How To Secure Your Home From Dangerous Criminals In Minutes

As you’re now aware – the looting will start almost immediately after this attack on our power grid…

That’s why you need to know how to protect your home.

And in this video, I share the techniques I use in my own home and teach my own family.

These are techniques ANYBODY can use…

You don’t need CIA training. You don’t need to be a sharpshooter. And you don’t need to spend hundreds of bucks on equipment.

These secrets alone will make your home the most secure for miles around. In this video you’ll discover:

***Which type of gun is best for protecting your home (I guarantee it’s not the one you think)

***The one thing you should do to the exterior of your home to keep criminals from ever wanting to come inside. (This costs less than $20.)

***Safe rooms are just for millionaires right? Wrong. Here’s how to make your own safe room for pennies on the dollar.

***The “door knock test” which lets you know if you’ll open up to a friend or a violent criminal.

***One word you should NEVER say to an intruder (They’ll see red, and that word could be your LAST)

***Why a certain type of body armor could get you killed, and what to wear instead.

***The single most important medical item to have in your home during a crisis.

And much more…

When you know these secrets, there’s little chance of an intruder making it into your home…

But I don’t want to leave anything up to chance…

Which is why I’m giving you one more bonus.

BONUS #4 – Quick & Dirty Combat: The 7 Best Self-Defense Tactics from Navy SEALs, Black Ops, ex-CIA, FBI and LE Officers

Listen, when this attack hits and society breaks down…

We’re going to be living in a state of complete lawlessness.

Criminals will be able to do whatever they like.

It isn’t just looters you’ll need to worry about.

Rapists will be roaming the street looking for their next victims…

And thugs will be carrying out violent attacks on American citizens…

Just because they feel like it.

And I don’t want you and your family to get caught in the crossfire.

That’s why I want you to know some of the deadliest self-defense moves known to man.

These combat secrets are incredibly dangerous…

So, you should reserve these solely for life-or-death situations.

But I think you deserve to know them…

Because I know you’ll only use them when it’s your family’s life on the line.

These are the kind of moves that are banned from all competitive fighting sports…

But they can incapacitate a 300-pound meat-head in seconds…

And even cause permanent damage.

Of course, that’s not something I’d normally advocate.

But when these thugs try to hurt your loved ones, I think they have it coming.

I suggest you teach a couple of these moves to your kids or grandkids, and to the other members of your family.

Like I say…

These moves don’t rely on bodyweight…

So even a 10-year-old kid or a 90 year old granny could use them to take down a fully-grown man…

In this short course, you’ll discover:

***​An instant knockout point on the human body that's easy to hit and works every time.

***How one 67-Year-Old homeowner pummeled two armed intruders, using his “bad knee”. This is perfect if you have some “aches and pains” or bad joints. This tactic is easy and designed to inflict max pain without you feeling a thing.

***​The simple “Plexi-Slap” that renders attackers dazed and confused. By using one specific area of your inner hand, applied to the right spot on the head, it’s devastating (and can even result in concussions).

***How a 58-year-old woman fought off a rapist with a pen & punch. An attacker tried to force himself on a 58-year-old woman while she was praying at a chapel. Her quick action with a pen and “Hammer Punch” sent the thug screaming and fleeing.

***The closely-guarded “Close Combat Ram” tactic. Most law enforcement officers like to keep this one close to their vests. It’s how many of them subdue thugs and criminals with one motion - it’s NOT about power.

And some other moves that are so deadly I can’t even describe them here.

Like I said, these are purely for emergencies…

But we’re facing a dangerous situation in America when this attack hits…

And I know you’ll only use these moves when absolutely necessary.

So, here’s the deal…

As I mentioned before, some folks are running out and dropping $9,000 dollars on a generator to prepare for this attack…

Even though that would only give you a fraction of the protection you’ll receive from Pocket Power Grid and all 4 bonuses…

Because when try this today, you’re going to get access to:

***Pocket Power Grid: The Intelligence Operative Secret For Virtually Unlimited Electricity In A Crisis

***BONUS #1 – Soldier Saver Garden: The WW2 System To Grow Food On Demand

***BONUS #2 – Intelligence Operative Survival: Inside Jason Hanson’s Private Preparedness Vault

***BONUS #3 – Impenetrable Home Defense: How To Secure Your Home From Dangerous Criminals In Minutes

***BONUS #4 – Quick & Dirty Combat: The 7 Best Self-Defense Tactics from Navy SEALs, Black Ops, ex-CIA, FBI and LE Officers

For me, it’s incredibly important that you get access to all this straight away.

Because – as you’ve seen here today – this attack could strike at any moment.

That’s why, you’ll get INSTANT access to all this (I don’t trust the post office not to lose this)…

Meaning you could start the first program in less than 10 minutes…

And by the end of the day, you could be one of the most prepared folks in the whole US.

Meaning, while millions of Americans are fighting for their lives…

Your family will be completely safe and happy thanks to your preparations.

And like I said, feel free to share this with your whole neighborhood…

I want to protect as many patriots as possible.

So today, instead of paying over $9,000 for a generator.

You can get all of these life-saving survival secrets for the price of a dinner for two.

Your special price is revealed on the next page…

So, go ahead click the button below right now…

And secure your copy of Pocket Power Grid and your 4 free bonuses…

While this website is still online.

And look…

I don’t want you to take on any risk here…

That’s why…

You’re protected by my 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee

Today, just say maybe to Pocket Power Grid…

Take a look through the program and all 4 bonuses.

And if you’re not 100% satisfied…

Even if you don’t like my T-shirt in one of the videos…

Just get in touch with my US based customer service team…

And we’ll give you a full, no-questions-asked refund.

I’m giving you an entire year to go through the program…

And at any time in that year, you can get in contact and receive every penny back…

What’s more, you’ll still retain access to every single program and video.

That’s how confident I am that this will be literally life-saving for your family.

So, click the button below to get started right now.

The way I see it, you’ve got a couple of choices right now.

Choice number one…

You can do nothing.

You can take all the smoking-gun level proof I’ve given you today…

About how this attack could be just days away…

And how it could kill millions Americans…

And you can ignore all of that and go on with your life.

Then one day in the near future…

You could be sitting with your family and the lights go out…

You’ll check your cell phone and see there’s no signal…

And you’ll know exactly what’s going on.

You’ll think back to this presentation…

And you’ll realize you could have beaten the terrorists and protected your family…

But by then it will be too late.

Look, I realize how harsh that sounds…

But unfortunately, that’s what we’re dealing with here.

And I want to make it clear to you.

Instead, just say maybe to Pocket Power Grid.

You invest in the program today for less than a dinner for two…

Knowing you’re protected by my 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee…

And straight away, you’ll have the peace of mind that when this attack hits, you’ll be able to protect your family from the chaos.

Listen, because you’ve read this far…

I can tell you’re a lot like me.

You’d do anything to protect your family…

And this could be the single most important decision you ever make for their safety.

So, click the button below right now…

And secure your copy of Pocket Power Grid and your 4 free bonuses…

Before this opportunity is gone forever.

Don’t forget, when you invest in Pocket Power Grid today…

And receive your 4 free bonuses…

You’ll have all the information you need to weather this upcoming disaster.

Because you’re going to discover:

***How to create an unlimited supply of electricity to power your whole home without the grid.

***How to grow looter-proof food on autopilot, and escape the deadly food shortages.

***How to protect your home and family with simple but highly-effective security and combat techniques.

I’ve reserved your spot…

But I can’t hold onto it forever.

And pretty soon I may have to give it to another patriot.

So, click the button below to get instant access to Pocket Power Grid right now.

I hope you take my warnings to heart…

And prepare today, before it’s too late.

I’m former CIA Officer Jason Hanson…

Thanks for reading and God bless.